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Editorial content for us to use

Insta post

Opening this space to you… 
In our first weeks of opening our shala to our Mysore community we reflect on the path that brought us here.. 

Although we’ve only been in this shala a few days it has existed in our hearts for a many moons..
We’ve spent countless hours imagining where and how we envision this gathering space.. 

Meanwhile we’ve nurtured our healing tools and gifts to refine them and share them with clarity and integrity; 
practicing in solitude over months of global changes, reuniting with sangha to share our experiences, consoling with our guides and teachers (big shoutout to our mamma guru, Kia Naddermier for holding us together through it all and bringing us beyond our expectations with every workshop) to deepen our knowledge and traveling to seek insight from other places. 


Sharing our thoughts and ideas  with our community has helped us understand that what we want to offer is a place to practice where an open exchange of perspectives for an evolving relationship between ourselves and our practice is welcome and active!


Here at Maison Mysore we open our mats with an invitation to learn from each other and bring the entirety of ourselves into the room to explore our practice in all of its forms and freedoms. 
We hope that this energy resonates and elevates even as we step outside of the shala. 

In our humble beginnings we already feel the strength of our friends, families and those of you who send support from all corners of the world. 


We feel you here with us and every breath is dedicated to our connection 💛


•Travail dans l’intimité de petits groupes de 8 pers. max 

•Pratique autonome accompagnée avec ajustments par 2 instructeurs spécialisés 

•notre approche est bienveillante, en conscience et inclusive

•Tous les niveaux sont bienvenus 

•Avec notre soutien la pratique s’adapte et entre en cohérence avec vous.

Tout les Lundi et Vendredi 
Entre 7-9h du matin

25€ le cours de 2h 
Réduction avec achat de carte d’abonnement mensuelle.

Our unique approach at Maison Mysore comes from our ability to work with the Ashtanga series while keeping it accessible to everyone. 
We have both been studying and working for many years with Kia Naddermier at Mysore Yoga Paris where we’ve learned that a mature practice is one where we move from ‘felt sense’.  Listening to our felt sense is a true skill that takes time and tending to.

We strive to offer a practice that everyone can enjoy with infinite potential to keep their practice growing with them at every moment of their lives. 
We do not exclude anyone because of age, physical ability or levels of experience. Instead we see individuals as whole beings with personal needs that their practice can accommodate and feel supportive. We guide our students personal exploration to build a practice where they teach themselves through somatic intelligence with confidence and independence. 
We encourage variety, curiosity and creativity and a practice that moves, transforms and flows with you through life’s cycles.

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