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Our unique approach at Maison Mysore comes from our ability to work with the Ashtanga series while keeping it accessible to everyone. 
We have both been studying and working for many years with Kia Naddermier at Mysore Yoga Paris where we’ve learned that a mature practice is one where we move from ‘felt sense’.  Listening to our felt sense is a true skill that takes time and tending to.

We strive to offer a practice that everyone can enjoy with infinite potential to keep their practice growing with them at every moment of their lives. 
We do not exclude anyone because of age, physical ability or levels of experience. Instead we see individuals as whole beings with personal needs that their practice can accommodate and feel supportive. We guide our students personal exploration to build a practice where they teach themselves through somatic intelligence with confidence and independence. 
We encourage variety, curiosity and creativity and a practice that moves, transforms and flows with you through life’s cycles.


Callie is from Maui, Hawai’i where she was introduced to Ashtanga yoga when she was 15 years old. She now lives in Paris and with over 15 years of experience continues to develop her practice in Ashtanga and Pranayama techniques. 
Growing up on a tropical island she was surrounded by an abundance of community support, healers, teachers and nature. At 15 she was convinced she would be a midwife-in the steps of her dear friend… but another road was paved out for her. 
She traveled the world to work as a model, study art & broaden her skills. Over the years she has combined her accumulated experience as a mother, artist and yogi to inform her teaching style. 
With yoga and life she searches for the complimentary elements between "tradition" &  personalized experience to combine with her innate sensibility that enriches her instruction. 

Teaching yoga blossomed out of her experience and the innumerable guides that have enlightened her way. She’s studied for many years with Nancy Gilghoff and David Swenson on Maui.
When she came to Paris she met Kia Naddermier at Mysore Yoga Paris who became a dear friend and precious teacher and mentor. Assisting Kia, offered a new chapter of personal development as she was invited to step into teaching gradually. 
With the team at Mysore Yoga Paris and since then she has kept a strong connection to Kia & her method while building her own sense of style. She believes that each of us have our own way to interpret practice, to flow & grow. Once we understand the base or the soil conditions we can bloom and expand infinitely.


Sandra is German, born in Greece and raised in France, as european as it gets. She was invited to Ashtanga yoga by a soulmate in 2014. Since then she has dedicated a decade to understanding and sharing the practice, continuously learning with curiosity while fine tuning her intuitive skills with formal training to teach safely & supportively for every student.

After a first professional stretch in video and photography, she felt the urge to move to an activity that would also nurture her soul and spirit. While engaging in yoga, she kept the eye of the shooter (and her equipment), fascinated by the beauty of the subtle movements of a body in action, which is channeled into the way she instructs. Inspired and accompanied by Kia Naddermier, her teacher in Ashtanga and Pranayama, who she apprentices and with whom she keeps exploring all dimensions of the yoga practice, she also draws her inspiration from Restorative yoga, learning from Lizzie Lasater. She studied Sivananda yoga in India, and teaches Yin & Hatha Yoga.

Throughout her teachings there always is that sense that the practice should adapt to your body so you can honour it safely and joyfully. Practice as an act of love would be her personal mantra, applying to yoga as well as to her massage offerings (Kobido and Chi Neï Tsang), and to the practices of Kyudo & Tai Chi.

Before Covid, she has been organising & participating in workshops around well-being at international yoga events & festivals with DoGood Concept, especially in India and China.

The last years have been dedicated to share the practice with the community in Paris, her students and the Mysore Yoga Paris sangha to continue explore and grow together.


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